How to take part in our research projects?

There are several ways to take part in our research projects. Depending on the circumstances, Smart Innovation Norway can be a coordinator, partner or research and innovation consultant in the project collaboration.

  • Option 1
    • Find a call for research funds
    • Contact us
    • We will develop an idea and build a team (consortium) together
    • We will write an application that ensures success together
  • Option 2
    • Develop an idea
    • Contact us
    • We will find an announcement and relevant partners together
    • We will write an application that ensures success together
  • Option 3
    • Find partners you want to work with
    • Contact us
    • We will find a call for research funds together
    • We will write an application that ensures success together
  • How to take part in the EU's Horizon Europe projects
    • Join the stakeholder groups
    • Participate in national research projects with close collaboration and exchange of knowledge with Horizon Europe projects
    • Attend our information events
    • Follow us on the website and in social media
    • Become part of a pilot in an EU project

Research Expertise

  • Sustainable Energy Sustainable Energy

    Renewable energy, energy systems, energy distribution, energy storage, energy markets, and energy efficiency

  • Applied Artificial Intelligence Applied Artificial Intelligence

    IoT, Cyber security, big data, machine learning and neural networks, AI for good

  • Smart Cities Smart Cities

    Innovation management, Design Thinking, Quadruple Helix, change management, strategy development, sustainability goals, smart cities and artificial intelligence, decommissioning, and circular economy

  • Digital entreprenørskap Digital Entrepreneurship

    Digital transformation, new sustainable economic models (circular, sharing, service phasing, and data driven)

  • Social and Behavioural Innovation Social and Behavioural Innovation 

    If you want to understand the challenges and opportunities in the green energy shift, you have to understand the users. We deliver behavioral analyzes, contextual mapping of stakeholders and new implementation strategies

Research Projects


Green Build

Capacity Building for Digital Green Transition








2023 - 2025

Forskning, Smart Energi


  • Peer-reviewed articles
  • Reports
  • Popular science articles
  • Conference presentations
  • Media contribution


Research news

Slik utvikler du blokkjedeløsninger basert på EUs infrastruktur

Som en del av prosjektet EBSI-NE (European Blockchain Services Infrastructure – Nodes Expansion), har Smart Innovation Norway laget et veikart som skal hjelpe norske aktører med å etablere prosjekter basert på blokkjedeteknologi fra EBSI.