Smart Cities and Communities
Our Communities department works to create sustainable community development in collaboration with municipalities and other organisations. With over 100 smart city innovation projects, we are working to meet local, national and international (EU) climate goals, create economic growth and increase the welfare of the population.
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Ny Smart vann-veileder lansert
Smart Innovation Norway fortsetter å lede an innen smarte byer og samfunn gjennom sitt engasjement i Smart vann-nettverket. Siden 2020 har forsknings- og innovasjonsbedriften Smart […]
Become a smart community!
What does it take to become a smart local community or a smart city? Our Smart City program is suitable for everyone, from small and large local communities to small and large cities.
Does your organization want to take the next step into the green transition, create better services for citizens, work purposefully with innovation, new technology, and digitalization while simultaneously reducing costs? We are happy to collaborate with multiple municipalities and communities.
Contact us