Søk på «cluster for applied ai» ga 283 treff

Tomas Klevmo

Dr. Paul Tobin

Contributing to the establishment of the Black Sea Corridor for E-mobility

...presented achieved benefits and results of applied concrete measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change in the field of transport at the local level. Halden’s Smart City solution includes...

Mette M. Magnussen


Rose Matthews

Innovating financial investment in energy efficiency

...society are not forgotten, as P4P can result in reduced energy consumption, lowering emissions and improved quality of life. Knowledge Platform Those interested in knowing more about Pay for Performance...

Joseph Negreira, Telekom. ing.

Dr. Bernt Bremdal

Tamara Hajdu

Anna Egeberg Krogh

Victoria Næss Jensen

Smart Innovation Norway’s «EU project list of fame» expands again

...from implementing these interventions, in combination with re-analysing already existing data, ENCHANT will design an empirically informed decision tool for impactful campaign design targeting energy-efficiency, relevant for a number of...

Linda Sund

Reisestøtte for næringsrettet samarbeid utenfor Europa

...med pågående eller nylig avsluttede prosjekter i Forskningsrådets næringsrettede portefølje, blant disse klynger og klyngepartnere i Norwegian Innovation Clusters-programmet, Sentre for forskningsdrevet innovasjon (SFI), Forskningssentre for miljøvennlig energi (FME) og...

PERMIDES (2016-2018)

Brita Staal

EU spends millions of euros on reducing plastic waste – Smart Innovation Norway is partner

The Plastics2Olefins project aims to recycle plastic waste into high-value materials. Being one of the most significant research projects for Smart Innovation Norway, the company’s researchers are excited to participate...

SESA project

Kjell Reidar Mydske