SESA incubator aims to ensure the anchoring of the results from the SESA project for local job creation and growth in the participating African countries (Ghana, Morocco, South Africa, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda and Tanzania).
Smart Innovation Norway in close collaboration with Siemens Stiftung is leading the SESA incubator. Up to 20 ventures will be selected under two open calls for entrepreneurs. These ventures will be offered a combination of financial and non-financial support. Financial support shall be in the form of subcontracts (up to EUR 100,000 each) and non-financial support will be in the form of two dedicated incubator programs.
During the 1st year of the project, the incubator was designed and the first open call for entrepreneurs was launched. Smart Innovation Norway will be providing business support and mediation services to selected ventures under two incubator programs.
Business support services shall include entrepreneurial training, business development advice and general business services related to accounting, legal matters, advertising and financial assistance. Under mediation, ventures shall be connected to broader business/technology clusters and ecosystems beyond the incubator to harness needed competencies.
The incubator shall also connect ventures to the SESA consortium and its living labs to facilitate the co-development of energy solutions in respective African countries.
Project Manager
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101037141.