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Hvordan jobber Smart Innovation Norway med smarte bygg og hjem?

I dagens byggeindustri finnes det et betydelig behov, og et stort potensial, for å ta i bruk og forenkle datasystemer slik at de blir så intuitive at alle kan bruke dem.

Webinar (del 2): Fra tilfeldig datadeling til et felles europeisk datamarked

  Webinar (del 2): Fra tilfeldig datadeling til et felles europeisk datamarked – verdiskapning på lokalt og nasjonalt nivå i Norge Næringsklyngene Cluster for Applied […]

Fruitful IntHydro kick-off meeting

In October 2020, the international collaboration project between Norway and China, IntHydro, was formally kicked off in a digital meeting.

Port of Borg is investing in battery systems to ease transition to zero emissions

As one of three pilots in the EU Horizon 2020 E-LAND project, Port of Borg in Southern Norway aims to develop into an energy hub, providing energy and services to land and sea transport.

Key performance indicators for investment planning in multi-vector energy systems

The concept of sector coupling promises to provide flexibility for rising renewable shares. A strong metric is needed to determine the viability and economic feasibility of different sector coupled energy systems.

E-LAND findings: Market development towards sector coupled energy system

During the first year of the E-LAND project, Work Package 7 focused on setting a foundation for creating the business model innovator toolkit and draft business models for the pilots. In Deliverable 7.1, important work has been presented.

New research cooperation between Norway and China represents major opportunity

In June, the collaborative project between Norwegian and Chinese partners, IntHydro, will officially start. The project represents a major opportunity for Smart Innovation Norway to enter the Chinese market.

Smart Innovation Norway’s “EU project list of fame” expands again

In the beginning of May, Smart Innovation Norway got word that the company has won its 13th Horizon 2020 project. The ENCHANT proposal, coordinated by NTNU, obtained a high score from the European Commission.

Stig and Avanish have joined the R&I team

During the winter and spring, Smart Innovation Norway’s Research & Innovation team has been expanded with two more colleagues – one new and one old acquaintance.

Pixii skal teste batterier i lavspenningsnettet

Norges største nettselskap Elvia har valgt Smart Innovation Norways samarbeidspartner Pixii som leverandør av to store batterier som skal benyttes i et pilotprosjekt i lavspenningsnettet.