Et sted for din bedrift å vokse, utvikle og skalere

Vi har det ultimate økosystemet for kommersialisering av teknologiske virksomheter. Vår sterke merittliste innen bærekraftig energi, anvendt AI, Smart City og digitalt entreprenørskap er en perfekt match for nye virksomheter som søker eksponentiell vekst.

Vår Venture-byggeprosess er et perfekt oppsett for å redusere investerings- og gjennomføringsrisiko og øke verdien av virksomheten din. Vi gir grunnleggere tilgang til vår innovasjonsplattform for å utforske potensialet og mulighetene for deres produkter eller tjenester. Tjenestene våre gir et unikt miljø for å bygge det neste store ved å utnytte topptalenter og risikosøkende kapital.

Grønt skifte, en del av innovasjonsplattformen, kompetansemiljø, nettverk, synergier

Vi søker gründere som jobber innenfor våre kompetanseområder

  • Bærekraftig energi

    Fornybar energi, energisystemer, Energidistribusjon, energilagring, energimarkeder og energieffektivitet

  • Anvendt kunstig intelligens

    IoT, Cyber sikkerhet, stordata, maskinlæring og neurale nettverk, AI for good

  • Smarte byer

    Innovasjonsledelse, Design Thinking, Quadruppel Helix, endringsledelse, strategiutvikling, bærekraftsmål, smarte byer og kunstig intelligens, dekommisjonering og sirkulærøkonomi

  • Digitalt entreprenørskap

    Digital transformasjon, nye bærekraftige økonomiske modeller (sirkulær, deling, tjenestefisering og datadreven)

  • Sosial og adferdsmessig innovasjon

    Skal man forstå utfordringerne og mulighetene i det grønne energiskiftet, må man man forstå brukerne. Vi leverer adferdsanalyser, kontekstuell kartlegging av interessenter og nye implementeringsstrategier

Møt teamet

Lorenzo Ruscelli

Lorenzo Ruscelli

Senior forretningsutvikler
Lorenzo Ruscelli

Lorenzo Ruscelli

Senior forretningsutvikler

Lorenzo Ruscelli holds a Master of Science in Information Systems Management and Digital Innovation, specializing in Venture Capital and tech investments, and a bachelor’s degree in entrepreneurship.

He describes himself as a leader with a passion for people and technology. He partners with companies to develop disruptive business models and growth strategies based on Silicon Valley’s best practices, where he has lived and worked in the world’s most prominent innovation environment.

After spending several years working in management, Lorenzo has developed relevant leadership and organizational skills, which have proven helpful in his current role as a senior manager at Smart Innovation Norway.

Matias Heggdal


Matias Heggdal


Matias Heggdal holds a Bsc in Innovation and Project Management from Østfold University College. It includes one semester abroad at California State University Monterey Bay, USA. During his stay abroad he explored the startup ecosystem in Silicon Valley and consulted a Norwegian startup on how to best become a part of this ecosystem.

Matias has for the past years been active in the startup environment and is the co-founder of two startups. Matias’ passion is to facilitate good learning arenas for startups to accelerate growth and increased likelihood of international success. For his thesis, he researched best incubator practices amongst Norwegian and European incubators, and after completion he was hired at Smart Innovation Norway.

In his current job at Smart Innovation Norway, he holds the position as Program Manager in Venture. His responsibilities are to plan and execute all the Launchpad programs.

Celine Zapffe

Leder kundeoppfølging

Celine Zapffe

Leder kundeoppfølging

Celine Zapffe is an experienced Customer Success Manager at Smart Innovation Norway, known for her proficiency in project management, customer experience, and business development.

With a Bachelor's degree in Entrepreneurship from Kristiania University College, she specializes in creativity, innovation, and business development.

Since October 2020, Celine has been responsible for managing customer relationships and enhancing customer engagement and success at Smart Innovation Norway.

She previously led business development projects as a Project Manager and provided business strategy consulting. Her skills include business strategy and development, project management, customer success, and coaching, alongside a unique expertise in equestrian coaching as a certified Level 3 Riding Instructor.

Mikael Melitshenko

Leder for Venture

Mikael Melitshenko

Leder for Venture

Mikael Melitshenko is an experienced leader in innovation, business development, and incubation, with over two decades of driving growth for technology companies. As the current Head of Venture at Smart Innovation Norway, Mikael directs strategic development and commercialization of innovative tech companies.

His previous roles include Head of Incubation and Program Manager of Corporate Innovation where he was instrumental in nurturing startups and integrating new solutions into established companies.

Previous positions includes leading technology and innovation projects, and as CEO of a Swedish Business Incubator, he focused on strategic growth and support for entrepreneurs.

Mikael holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and Marketing, underpinning his expert leadership in technology incubation and strategic growth.

Ståle Bjørnstad

Ståle Bjørnstad

Ståle Bjørnstad

Ståle Bjørnstad


Roy Einar Angell

Senior forretningsutvikler

Roy Einar Angell

Senior forretningsutvikler

Focus on Compliance from a wider business perspective, and in particular Information Security and Cyber Security. In addition, broad financial experience and longtime experience in building strong and robust organizations. Managing with commercial focus both long term and short term. Strong on people management with focus both on teams and individuals. Many years’ experience in working with global companies. Headed up several restructuring projects delivered successfully and proven ability to deliver on growth targets.

Specialties: Compliance, information security, cyber security, funding, taxation, mergers and acquisitions, building efficient organizations, restructuring and profitable growth, people management.

Inge Michael Bilet

Inge Michael Bilet

Klyngeleder, NCE Smart Energy Markets
Inge Michael Bilet

Inge Michael Bilet

Klyngeleder, NCE Smart Energy Markets

Inge Michael Bilet has broad experience from both Norwegian and international business, covering market research, FMC, energy and automobile industry. He has been an entrepreneur and part of large international companies.

In the year 2000, he took a Bachelor’s degree in Export Marketing (Norway/Germany), followed 20 years of experience from sales, marketing, market research, consultancy and innovation. His recent positions were Head of Marketing and Product Development at Fredrikstad EnergiSalg (Fortum) and Sustainability Advisor/Project Manager at Brox Consulting.

As Business Developer at Smart Innovation Norway, Inge Michael is determined to use his experience and expertise to speed up the transition to a circle economy, by helping companies innovate in a slightly faster pace, thus helping to create sustainable businesses.

Inge Michael is a business oriented, creative team player with a passion for sustainability, digitalization, new business models and circular economy.

Tor Ø. Frydenberg


Tor Ø. Frydenberg


Tor Ø. Frydenberg holds a M.Sc. degree in Radio Technology and Information Systems from the Norwegian University for Science and Technology (NTNU).

Tor held the position of CEO at Ericsson, Norway from 1999 to 2010, and as Vice President of Ericsson Professional Services in the Nordic and Baltic regions for 5 years in the same period.

Prior to 1999, he served as General Manager of Ericsson Radar, Kongsberg Ericsson Communications and Telettra Norge. Tor began his career as a scientist at Telenor Research & Development.

He is currently serving as an investor, chairman and member of the board for a number of start-up companies. At Smart Innovation Norway, he is engaged as a Special Advisor and Senior Consultant, specifically within the ICT industry.

Mikael Melitshenko

Ønsker du mer informasjon?

Kontakt Mikael Melitshenko på +47 481 76 614.