
Få med deg det siste fra Smart Innovation Norway.

Viser 61 treff

EU spends millions of euros on reducing plastic waste – Smart Innovation Norway is partner

The Plastics2Olefins project aims to recycle plastic waste into high-value materials. Being one of the most significant research projects for Smart Innovation Norway, the company’s […]

Top rating in European research

By Anja Lillerud and Dieter Hirdes, 16 March 2022 The Research Council of Norway recently published the top-50 list of Norwegian actors who have achieved […]

SESA project – Smart Energy Solutions for Africa to accelerate the green transition and energy access

SESA is a new EU funded project under H2020 that aims at mitigating climate change while improving access to sustainable energy under affordable, reliable conditions. […]

World Electric Vehicle Journal publishes work by Smart Innovation Norway researchers

Smart Innovation Norway researchers Dr. Iliana Ilieva and Prof. Bernt A. Bremdal got their scientific article Flexibility-Enhancing Charging Station to Support the Integration of Electric Vehicles published in World Electric Vehicle Journal (WEVJ) in April 2021.

Peter og Tomas ble kastet rett inn i en digital kontorhverdag

Etter et par måneder har prosjektleder Peter Andreas Prydz Gørbitz og forsker Tomas Klevmo fortsatt til gode å møte sine nye kolleger i virkeligheten, men begge er godt i gang i sine ferske stillinger hos Smart Innovation Norway.

RESOLVD Final Event resulted in new insight and ideas

Last week, Smart Innovation Norway hosted the two-day RESOLVD Final Event digitally, where the piloting results were revealed and the project partners presented their most significant findings.

Utvikler modell for prediksjon av strømpriser: – Viktig satsingsområde

For Smart Innovation Norway er energi et viktig satsingsområde, særlig hvordan kunstig intelligens kan effektivisere energibransjen – blant annet ved hjelp av mer nøyaktige prognoser.

Er du klar for Horisont Europa?

De siste utlysningene i det europeiske rammeprogrammet for forskning og innovasjon, Horisont 2020, er stengt, og det er på tide å rette nesa mot det nye programmet for perioden 2021-2027, nemlig Horisont Europa.

The RESOLVD Final Event is coming up

For the past three years, partners throughout Europe have been working together in the groundbreaking EU Horizon 2020 project, RESOLVD. During the project’s Final Event on 23-24 February, their findings will be demonstrated.

Nytt prosjekt skal hjelpe klyngemedlemmer og andre innovasjonsaktører i Viken

I høst ble det klart at Smart Innovation Norways næringsklynge NCE Smart Energy Markets har fått tildelt et nytt INJECT-prosjekt fra Innovasjon Norge. Prosjektet setter delingskultur i sentrum og ble sparket i gang på nyåret.