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20 år med smarte løsninger: – Aldri betydd så mye for så mange som vi gjør nå
I år er det 20 år siden Smart Innovation Norway så dagens lys. Forretningsideen som Knut H. H. Johansen og Dieter Hirdes hadde ståltro på i 2003, er like aktuell i 2023. Og ikke minst blir den viktig inn i framtida.
The cluster's advice to Norwegian politicians: Increase investment in renewable energy exports!
The climate crisis, and the global imperative to address it, represents a significant business opportunity in areas where Norway possesses substantial expertise, specifically in climate-friendly energy technologies.
A Sustainable Tomorrow 2023: "We must build networks and solidarity to face climate change"
Last Friday, Smart Innovation Norway, one of the two Norwegian hubs, broadcasted live from the largest Nordic digital sustainability conference, "A Sustainable Tomorrow." With the goal of turning words into actions, the conference provided attendees with both valuable advice and food for thought.
Waste data to make renovation at tourist attractions more environmentally friendly
Through digitization, the EU project AURORAL aims to enhance tourism experiences in rural areas. Narvik municipality is one of the pilot locations, and this year, the project is expanding to include logistics, transportation, and waste management.
"We help businesses compete at international top level"
Smart Innovation Norways nye senter, AID katapult, utvikler, tester og simulerer produkter, tjenester og prosesser. Det gjør veien fra idé til marked kortere for bedrifter og offentlige aktører.
NCE Smart Energy Markets participates in Kraftløftet: "An opportunity to influence"
The business cluster NCE Smart Energy Markets has been invited to participate in a working group under "Kraftløftet", which aims to address the challenges related to the power situation in Norway. This collaboration will be highly beneficial for the member companies within the cluster.
Fortress Fund invests in Versiro: "We help power producers master uncertainty in the electricity market"
The software company Versiro aims to accelerate the energy transition with the help of an AI copilot that assists renewable energy producers in making smart decisions.
Smart Innovation Norways message at Arendalsuka 2023: "We contribute to action"
With its business clusters, initiatives, and projects in current topics such as artificial intelligence, energy, and climate actions, Smart Innovation Norway's participation in Arendalsuka 2023 was highly relevant and sought after.
The Völur founder: "Fortress Fund is an important investor"
Fortress Fund investerer kapital og kunnskap i selskaper som bidrar til nye arbeidsplasser og grønn omstilling med potensial til å lykkes internasjonalt. Völur er ett av selskapene fondet har satset på.
Norwegian video technology impresses world elite in clay pigeon shooting
When the world's best clay pigeon shooters met in Italy in July, Norwegian startup Travision had one of the highlights. They presented and demonstrated their revolutionary AI-based video solution, ClayTracer, to athletes, coaches, referees, industry professionals, and spectators. The response was overwhelming