Successful Kick-off meeting in Zaragoza

On January 26th and 27th, Consortium members of the new and ground-breaking EU Horizon project, REEFLEX (REplicable, interoperable, cross-sector solutions and Energy services for demand side FLEXibility markets), gathered in Zaragoza, Spain, to get to know each other and refine the game plan for the four-year project.

The REEFLEX consortium met at Sala Polivalente Zaragoza Dinamiza in Zaragoza, to discuss the new Horizon project, which aims to generate niches of opportunities for new cross-sector energy services provided by SMEs and start-ups in demand-side flexibility markets and to increase the participation of energy consumers in demand-side flexibility markets, with participants from Norway, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Turkey, etc.

REEFLEX consortium members

“Increasing the understanding of the project”

«Kick-off meeting is an important moment on every project which increases the understanding of the project, and thus, align partners within the project goals and purpose. Additionally, it’s the first chance to meet the team, allowing to know the people you’d be working with for the next years».

Asier Rueda Hernandez, CIRCE – Centro Tecnológico, project manager for the REEFLEX project

IPR Workshop during the Kick-off

“Unifying the vision of the objectives and the global structure of the project”

During the two-day meeting, the partners refined the work packages, communicated and agreed on which tasks to collaborate on and help each other with – and when.

«The meeting allowed to unify the vision of the objectives and the global structure of the project, not only at organisation level, but also their task developments and their relationship within the project. Of course, it allowed to verify the distribution and responsibilities of the work to do». 

Gregorio Fernandez [CIRCE – Centro Tecnológico], project coordinator for the REEFLEX project.
REEFLEX Visual Identity

Demonstrating REEFLEX: Four demonstrators and three replicators

The project focuses on increasing the participation of energy consumers in demand-side flexibility markets (DSF) by developing a set of viable interoperable solutions and services based on the development of a central interoperable platform.

The platform will act as an energy marketplace to connect to all kinds of stakeholders in the cross-sector energy system by facilitating their access to any flexibility market and providing a set of interactions and services of the catalogue tailor-made for their energy needs.

REEFLEX solutions will be demonstrated and cross-tested in four main demonstrators (Spain, Greece, Switzerland, Bulgaria), and the services catalogue will be further replicated in three additional replicators across Europe to achieve broader coverage (Turkey, Portugal, Denmark).

«In the short term, the demonstrator’s requirements and architecture definitions will be analysed in order to define the key aspects for the correct development of the project solutions. In the long term, of course, the successful achievement of the solutions and services of energy consumers demand in DSF markets»

Asier Rueda Hernandez, CIRCE – Centro Tecnológico, project manager for the REEFLEX project.

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