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A proactive trio will enhance Smart Innovation Norway's expertise in sustainability

Brita Staal og Manuela Freté tredobler den nasjonale og internasjonale erfaringen og kompetansen innen bærekraftarbeid når de blir kolleger med Mikael af Ekenstam i Nordland. […]

Forskningsrådets direktør lot seg imponere over Halden-miljøet

– En utrolig lærerik dag som har gitt meg et spennende og inspirerende innblikk i aktiviteten ved Smart Innovation Norway og Institutt for Energiteknikk (IFE)! […]

Role of AI and IoT in a Renewable-Powered Future

Renewable energy is playing a major role in transforming the energy sector towards a cost-effective, low-carbon, and sustainable future. A rapid decline in the cost […]

Innovating financial investment in energy efficiency

A total of 40 per cent of energy consumption in the EU occurs within existing buildings; thus, retrofitting with energy efficiency measures could result in […]

Discussed opportunities to support the Indian green shift

In early October, Smart Innovation Norway attended a high-level business roundtable discussing green collaboration opportunities with the government of the Indian state of Kerala. The […]

Novel tools, algorithms, and a flexibility platform by FLEXGRID H2020 

Future smart grids require effective interaction between energy markets and electricity grid management systems to introduce new services and mitigate risks presented by high-RES penetration. […]

Energy flexibility on everyone’s lips

Being a work package leader of the FLEXGRID H2020 project, Smart Innovation Norway organised the workshop “Energy flexibility – from customer to market” where national […]

Leading the way regarding energy flexibility

Renewable energy resources are the future, but at the same time uncertainties regarding predictions and availability arise. How can businesses, public institutions and private households […]

EU spends millions of euros on reducing plastic waste – Smart Innovation Norway is partner

The Plastics2Olefins project aims to recycle plastic waste into high-value materials. Being one of the most significant research projects for Smart Innovation Norway, the company’s […]

Top rating in European research

By Anja Lillerud and Dieter Hirdes, 16 March 2022 The Research Council of Norway recently published the top-50 list of Norwegian actors who have achieved […]