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Halden viser vei i Kommune-Norge innen miljøvennlig oppvarming (article in Norwegian)

Restvarme fra industrigiganten Norske Skog Saugbrugs kan gjøre Halden kommune til en foregangskommune i norsk målestokk innen energi.

– Vår rolle som node er å hjelpe norske virksomheter med å ta i bruk blockchain-teknologien

Smart Innovation Norway er en viktig bidragsyter i EBSI-NE, et prosjekt som skal få fart på bruk av blockchain-teknologi på tvers av landene i Europa.

Plastics2Olefins partners ready for next steps

During the fourth General Assembly of the Plastics2Olefins project in Madrid, Spain, the partners discussed the progress of the project and assessed results achieved during the last 18 months.

Bulgarian EV adventure reduces 65 tonnes of CO2 emissions

Electric vehicles (EVs) and charging stations in six different municipalities along the Black Sea coast significantly reduce CO2 emissions in the region. 

Creating Energy Warriors to fight for a greener future

The H2020 project iElectrix used a community-focused approach, engaging young people and encouraging them to be part of the green transition.

Waste data to make renovation at tourist attractions more environmentally friendly

Through digitization, the EU project AURORAL aims to enhance tourism experiences in rural areas. Narvik municipality is one of the pilot locations, and this year, the project is expanding to include logistics, transportation, and waste management.

Improving the recycling process of unsorted plastic waste

The Plastic2Olefins project will develop new technologies to valorise unsorted plastic and other waste in large quantities to yield high-value material streams. To do so, they will use a novel high-temperature pyrolysis process.

Contributing to the establishment of the Black Sea Corridor for E-mobility

Representatives from six Bulgarian municipalities visited Halden and Fredrikstad to see and learn how to adapt to the changing climate and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

GEMINI project launched: EU-funded large-scale innovation action on new shared mobility services

GEMINI aims at accelerating the progress towards climate neutrality through the demonstration and uptake of new shared mobility services, active transport modes, and micro-mobility and their integration with public transport in the new generation of Mobility as a Service (MaaS).

Helgrønne industrihavner er snart en realitet

I fire år har Borg havn i Fredrikstad vært arena for utvikling og testing av nye energiløsninger gjennom et stort EU-prosjekt. Resultatene av prosjektet kan få den grønne omstillingen av norske havner til å skyte fart.